AmigaActive (2099/2143)

Date:31 May 2000 at 20:30:19
Subject:Re: Amiga 3000s - Don't you just Love them?

> 1. What is the max. SCSI speed on its built in controller?

The A3000 SCSI controller only supports SCSI-I speeds, but it can
communicate with plain (not Wide/Fast) SCSI-II drives.

> 2. Can I plug my SVGA monitor straight into its port at the back for
> such monitors; ie: is it a high density 15pin connector or the older
> VGA 9pin one?

It's a 15 pin standard VGA connector, so yes, your SVGA monitor should be
just fine. Be forewarned that not all SVGA monitors will scan down to
50Hz, however, so you may need to use NTSC (60Hz) instead of PAL.

> 3. It has a flicker fixer which is dead nice, does that also mean it's
> scan doubled to 31KHz or both 15 and 31KHz?

Your question doesn't parse very well. Flicker-fixers promote signals to
31KHz. If you turn the flicker-fixer off with the toggle switch in back,
or use the standard 23 pin RGB port, you get a 15 KHz signal.

> 4. Is flicker fixed output to the VGA/SVGA socket only or both Amiga
> RGB as well?

VGA output only.

> 5. Being a developer I now know quite a bit about the A3000s OS saga, well
> I thought it was a bit of a mess myself but still. Anyway - when I
> buy an A3000, is it likely that it'll use SuperKickstart or a ROM?

It's a toss-up. You can always upgrade to 3.1 if SuperKickstart is a

> How many A3000s use a 'tower' for the ROMs? Are 'tower' ROM
> replacements more tricky than normal motherboard socketed ROMs?

Not too many. All of the ROM upgrades I've ever seen require you to throw
the tower out anyway, so it's really not a problem.

> 9. Are all A3000 mice that 'pregnant' style one, or are they the older
> clunky A1000 one. (These questions are getting stupid :)

Depends. And again, it's really easy to replace.

> 10. Are there any 68030 accelerators for the A3000? Or are they all
> 040/060+ since the A3000 is already 68030 based?

I can't remember ever seeing an 030-based A3000 accelerator. If there was
one, I can tell you that your odds of finding one in the UK are nearly

> 11. Do all A3000 have a 16MHz 68881 FPU or 25MHz 68882 FPU?

The 3000's FPU speed generally matches the speed of the CPU.

> 13. What is the average size Hard Disk you get with an A3000 (meaning what
> did Commodore ship with the A3000 mostly)

Probably 100 or less.

> 14. Are all A4000 CPU cards A3000 compatible, say if it had KS 3.1 the A3K?
> I say this because physically they share the same CPU connector.

They are not always 100% compatible. Some boards, especially those with
onboard SCSI, require you to run a jumper wire across the 3000 motherboard
before they function correctly.

> 15. How much RAM did CBM ship A3000s with? I heard 1Mb Chip + 1Mb Fast.

Some came with 2/4 or 2/8.

> And last, but by no means the least of these questions: How much is just th=
> e
> A3000 unit likely to cost me these days? And can you buy them s/h from
> refurbished centres and that, or is it the small ads? :)

I wouldn't expect to pay more than US$200 (about UKP125) for one.

Jason Compton

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